Why I Chose To Learn About Software Engineering

Starting from Zero

Moving on up to Sinatra

How the topic came about

As we were learning about ActiveRecord, and table relationships within a database- and then moving on to Sinatra- I was worried how I was going to come up with a project idea that would have both a has_many and belongs_to relationship. As soon as project week came, it hit me- Coffee!

First Project in the Books


We made it. One project down (pending review and assessment of course.) As challenging as it was to not have the Learn prompts and tests to guide me through the process, I’m thankful to have been tasked with creating a CLI. I decided to share a little about my experience with creating it, and what’s different on this side of it.

Why I'm Learning Software Engineering

Have you ever sat down and looked back at different jumbled events in your life that each played a part in getting you to where you sit today? As I get close to the first milestone in the Software Engineering program I’ve been a part of for the last two weeks, I’ve done quite a bit of reflecting like this.