Why I Chose To Learn About Software Engineering

Starting from Zero

Practice Coding Challenge: Chess Board Color

I think it’s fair to say that every programmer has this thought on their way to learning to code: “How can I show this off to my friends and family?”. Right? Or, just me? Anyway, sometimes I’ll come across a coding challenge on CodeWars and think “Now, this is a skill I could really show off that also has very few real world applications”. This post is going to be about one of those kinds of challenges. It’s called Chess Fun #1: Chess Board Cell Color and you can find it at this link to solve it for yourself.

How to Use setTimeout()

Today’s topic is another one of those methods that I’ve used or mentioned in a few past blogs, that I wanted to go back and give some context to with examples. The setTimeout() method gives us the ability to delay a piece of code from being executed until a set time (ah, the name makes sense) has passed.

Practice Coding Challenge: Create Phone Number

I was sent a couple different coding challenges for Front End Developer jobs this week as part of my job search/interviewing process. After submitting them, I decided to check out another Codewars challenge or two to try to stay sharp in case another professional coding challenge came my way. I saw this challenge on Codewars, and immediately I recognized some of the same wording from the challenge as I did in the two coding challenges this week. It seems (rightfully so) that finding different ways to format phone numbers is a fairly common ask in the interview process, because it’s so common in the real world. There may be different ways for different companies of collecting and formatting numbers, but hopefully this is a useful starting place.

JavaScript Passying By

As I’ve inadvertently made this blog a sort of “JavaScript for Beginners” in my deeper studying of JavaScript for myself, I realized a concept that I skipped over writing about early on that is really an important fundamental differentiation to make. I’d like to give an overview of how JavaScript assigns value to variables. This is small point that goes a really long way in writing code that’s free of bugs, and this small distinction can save programmers (especially beginners) from a lot of headaches.

Another Common Interview Challenge: FizzBuzz

How did I miss this? I have no idea how I’ve made this many blogs and somehow haven’t written a post about the classic FizzBuzz challenge. </br> For those who aren’t familiar, the FizzBuzz challenge is a common programming critical thinking exercise. The premise is pretty simple:

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.